The Top 10 Best Movie Time Travelers
Anyone Can Travel Through Time. These Time Travelers Do it with Style.
Anyone can make a list of the best time travel movies, but it takes a real geek with a lot of free time to make a list of the best movie time travelers. That being said, there’s a big difference between the characters and the movies they might have appeared in. Truthfully, a lot of the movies on this list wouldn’t find themselves anywhere near my personal top time travel movies list. Still, just because a movie isn’t great doesn’t mean that the characters aren’t. That’s why I’ve decided to take on a bigger challenge with this week’s Top 10 list. So get ready, because this list is coming at you… Or maybe it already did. Who knows? Time travel can be confusing.
10. Tree Gelbman (Happy Death Day and Happy Death Day 2U)

One of the first really fun movies I saw after the revival of Stars & Popcorn was Happy Death Day. The horror comedy follows a sorority girl named Tree who finds herself being murdered over and over by a masked killer. The twist is that each time she dies, she comes back to live and relives the same day in an attempt to break free of the time loop. 2019’s Happy Death Day 2U managed to be a perfect successor to the original and secured Tree’s place on this list of time travelers. Tree might not be much of a “hero” but she’s a survivor and funny as hell, which makes her perfect for this top slot.
9. Bill & Ted (Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure)

Let’s face it, these two put together have the mental capacity of one person, so I think it’s fair to include them both on here. While many time travelers worry about paradoxes and butterfly effects and all that stuff. Bill and Ted used the god-like power granted upon them to pass a high school history project. True, it was to save the future as George Carlin knew it, which makes it all forgivable in the end. However, I’m convinced that Alex Winter is trapped somewhere in history, which explains why we’ve never heard from him again.
8. Joe (Looper)

So, remember that butterfly effect that I just mentioned a few minutes ago? Well, that’s kind of what makes Joe so unique. You see, Joe is an assassin that kills people sent back to him from the future, which is a pretty creative way to get away with a crime. The thing is that Joe is given the job to, well, kill himself. Which is raises the question if it’s suicide or homicide? So, Joe has to butt heads with old Joe, while old Joe tries to fix the future and keep young Joe safe because whatever happens to him happens to him. Yeah, it’s confusing. Just trust me on this one.
7. Phil (Groundhog Day)

It would be close to impossible to have a legitimate list with the words “time,” “movie,” and any variation of “travel” without mentioning Phil. Bill Murray finds himself stuck in a time loop, forced to relive the same day over and over again. Which basically means that there are no consequences to his actions. A realization that Phil takes full advantage of, that is until it gets old. So, what’s a time traveler stuck in a loop to do? Well, Phil decides to undertake the tremendous task of self-improvement. Makes me kinda wish I could have that problem.
6. Ash Williams (Army of Darkness)

Time travel is a very scientific process unless it’s a demonic force that flings you into the past. I’m not sure if Army of Darkness takes place in the past or some sort of alternate dimension, but I am sure that Ash Williams is one hell of a time traveler. This guy grabbed history by the balls and told it to turn its head and cough. Faced with evil demons, he used his future know-how and a few toys to save the world from an extinction level event. Not every time traveler has the courage to confidently shout, “Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This… is my BOOMSTICK! “
Excellent selection but I would have switched Time Bandits and Back to the Future.
I might agree if it was time travel movies, but as far as actual time travelers go McFly is superior to Kevin.
Good selection but it’s missing, The Final Countdown.